Aabir Bio-Services Foundation is a web-portal that provides basic information on common preventable diseases in women and girls and is independent of commercial and political interests and not-for-profit.
Aabir Bio-Services Foundation does not endorse or recommend any individual, institution, commercial product/s, process/es, service/s or center/s. It is not our intention to provide specific medical advice but to educate our users on lifestyle related disease, create awareness, promote screening and prevention of common cancers in women and girls. We also talk about available treatment modalities and nearby treatment centers to create a better understanding about health and diagnosed clinical conditions. This web-portal is not a substitute for consultations with qualified health professionals who are familiar with your individual medical needs. All efforts have been made to provide information as accurate as possible.
Aabir Bio-Services Foundation will not be responsible for any loss to any person caused by inaccuracy in the information available on this web-portal. Through this portal one is able to link to other websites/web-portals which are not under our control. We do not endorse organizations that sponsor linked, external websites. Therefore, when users select a link to an external website, they are leaving Aabir Bio-Services Foundation. We also do not pay or accept any payments against any scientific/knowledge-disseminating article or post that is either already published and/or will be published in future on Aabir Bio-Services Foundation.