Public Engagement Activities:
Aabir Bio-Services Foundation “bridging the gap between science and society” that has a serious impact on society at large.
Public engagement through social activities is a key goal of the foundation with the aim of disseminating knowledge and improving general awareness about common human health issues. The other key benefit of public engagement activities is the ability to share updates from latest scientific research and innovation for the benefit of the masses in a systematic manner. Our public engagement activities include workshops, guest lectures, invited talks, art exhibitions, online discussions, through social media as well as a scientific advise and consultation.
(i) To engage people through activities like workshops, public health lectures, art exhibitions, online discussions, social media, continuous medical education, and to spread awareness about the importance of preventive health care.
(ii) To have talks about specific public health issues and their impact on society at large delivered by medical professionals or scientists. These experts could also provide scientific advice and/or consultation as and when required.

Prevention and Disease Control – PDC
Prevention and Disease Control: “Prevention is better than cure” goes the age old saying. The most of diseases can be prevented through regular screening, vaccination,…

Health Education and Research – HER
Health Education and Research: We believe “good health makes life better” and the contribution of scientific research in mankind’s efforts to maintain good health and…